Letters to Julian

Hi. It's difficult to know what to do all the time, especially when you're a parent.

It's tough connecting with your child. I understand this, because I've been there...

My son was my world. I did everything for him. As a single mom, that was my job!
He didn't always appreciate me. I made mistakes. I became an awful mom. My son hated me and even moved out.

For 3 years, we lost contact. He disowned me.

Then I nearly died... and realized I didn't want to die without saying "Goodbye" to my son.
So I changed. A lot. In almost every aspect of my life.

Then I contacted my son... and begged for another chance.

I'm not perfect, but I now have a great relationship with my son. I'm also a more positive, happy person!

If you want to read about what we went through, and how YOU can improve your relationship with your child (regardless of his or her age), then you will benefit from reading my book, Letters to Julian.

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