Steve Vernon - Storyteller and Writer at Large

Hi there.

My name is Steve Vernon. I'm a writer and a storyteller. Odds are, if you are reading this you have clicked a link in the back of an e-book that I wrote. Odds are, you bought that e-book either on Kobo or Kindle or Nook or some other sort of e-book device. 

If you would like to be notified about any future new releases please feel free to sign up here to receive an e-mail bulletin when ever I bring something new out.

Understand - I will ONLY use this for new releases.

I'm not going to use this mailing list to tell you about my cat or my garden or why my belt continues to shrink. I've got a blog for that and you can follow that if you want to - because odds are - there's a link in that e-book you bought that will send you right to my blog.

I'm not going to tell you what I ate for dinner or what I am looking at or whether or not I am riding a bus or just rolling down a bumpy old hill. I've got Twitter for that and you can follow that too, if you want to - because odds are there's a link in that e-book that you bought that will send you right to my blog.

I will let you know AHEAD of everyone else - that something new is coming out of my one-man fiction factory.

I will likewise offer discounts and possible freebie notices and perhaps even a free story or two - ONLY to my mailing list subscribers. 

I can't think of anything else to write here - and REALLY I ought to be writing a book right now - but still I'd like to thank you for picking up one of my e-books, whether or not you sign up for my mailing list.
Yours in storytelling,

Steve Vernon
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